Celebrating literary goods created by Indonesian youth. Delivered from our students, staff and guest contributors; are a diverse panoply of poetry, comics, fiction, essays and anecdotes in Indonesian and foreign tongues.
Enjoy our stories!
A Witness
My attention was caught by the sudden silence I heard after a few laughs and a shut door. A young boy just stood there as if… he was waiting. He gripped on to the sleeves of his t-shirt, tightly holding onto his body for warmth. What could he be doing on a night as cold as this without a jacket?
Peluncuran Buku Antologi Memoar ‘Kisah Inspirasi: Kiat Sukses Kepala Cabang BPJS Kesehatan’ feat. Ngobrol Bareng Henry Manampiring
Sebuah reportase tentang peluncuran buku antologi memoar ‘Kisah Inspirasi: Kiat Sukses Kepala Cabang BPJS Kesehatan’ yang mengarsip perjalanan menuju kesuksesan setiap kepala cabang BPJS Kesehatan di seluruh Indonesia.
5 Lessons from Little Nightmares
I’ve watched other horror gameplays and none of them have ever hooked me into the story the way Little Nightmares did. Why is that?
Here are five lessons which wanna-be game developers, coders, and even storyboard artists and writers can pick up, on why Little Nightmares is a positive success.
IWEC Kolektif Karya Anak Bangsa untuk Ibu Indonesia
Untuk para bunda dan anak yang ingin berkegiatan family bonding sambil membuat karya kreatif, pada penghujung 2022 IWEC Indonesia akan menginisiasi kembali pameran Kolektif Karya Anak Bangsa bertajuk “Ode Untuk Ibu” pada 17 Desember ini.
Photo Diary: YA English Creative Writing class
Dive into our little visual diary of what happens in our classes!
One day, the sixth batch of Level Writer students — and the fourth batch to ever advance immediately to Level Writer after their entrance exams — discussed lessons of descriptive writing, and how it is inseparable from the political aesthetics and practices of poetry.
Musim Panas yang Manis
Kami sudah kembali dari pasar. Tadi bunda menyuruhku untuk mencari sayur-sayuran, sedangkan bunda ke area penjualan ikan. Cukup mengasyikkan. Sudah lama aku tak berjalan berdua dengan bunda. Sesekali bunda bercerita tentang masa-masa aku kecil dulu. Katanya aku tumbuh menjadi anak yang pemberani.