Celebrating literary goods created by Indonesian youth. Delivered from our students, staff and guest contributors; are a diverse panoply of poetry, comics, fiction, essays and anecdotes in Indonesian and foreign tongues.
Enjoy our stories!
Red Light Tsubaki
Michelle creates a sensitive portrayal of human rights issue and child labour in her Term 1 Mover final project, “Red Light Tsubaki.” During class, she engaged in deep research and critical interrogations into colonial culture and its relation to the exploitation of children’s and women’s bodies. But most importantly, at the heart of this portrayal, the readers shall witness a sisterly bond that saves the soul of these two girls trapped in this systemic violence.
Melalui kisah “Sequa”, dengan membengkokkan mitologi siren, Shafa mengkritik konstruksi maskulinitas yang tidak sehat dan dampaknya kepada anak laki-laki.
Lowongan Kerja Education & Program Team
We’re looking for a passionate, dedicate and initiative-driven person to join our Education & Program Team part-time!
4 penulis & komikus anak mendapatkan penghargaan IWEC Creative Awards 2024
Satu dekade Indonesia Writing Edu Center (IWEC) berkarya, akademi literasi itu menggelar sebuah penghargaan kreatif tahunan yang memberikan penghargaan kepada para talenta anak, remaja dan dewasa untuk prestasi mereka dalam penulisan kreatif dan komik. Empat dari 24 penulis dan komikus mendapatkan penghargaan IWEC Creative Awards 2024 atas karya-karya orisinal mereka.
Menurut Studi, Menulis Dapat Mengurangi Stres
Menurut studi di tahun 2002, menulis secara ekspresif adalah salah satu cara agar menghilangkan stres. Menulis ekspresif dapat memperbaiki cara penglihatan hidup dan meningkatkan kemampuan meregulasi emosi.
Bagaimana caranya? Simak artikel ini!
Solidarity with Palestine: IWEC’s Public Statement
IWEC publishes our public statement for solidarity with Palestine. We, as a literary-based organisation with a diverse team from various religious, ethnic backgrounds and identities, denounce genocide, war, dispossession, debilitation, occupation, illegal settlement and colonialism.