Celebrating literary goods created by Indonesian youth. Delivered from our students, staff and guest contributors; are a diverse panoply of poetry, comics, fiction, essays and anecdotes in Indonesian and foreign tongues.
Enjoy our stories!
Book Launch: Love That Grew Apart
Authors Nakisha Kay, Thea Samala, and Kyra Torrita, were joined with their tutor Farah Fakhirah and host Bilqis Muti’ah. They expressed their inexplicable delight in clutching their books to their chests.
Broken Unbroken
They all harmonize, this chant of promises and these strains of sounds of oppression, merging into a song of distress and agony that lulls and dulls me as I find myself slipping away — slipping, slipping, slipping… and finally, I am free.
Misteri Hilangnya Berlian Bertuah
Selama ini berlian itu tersimpan di kotak kayu yang berukir. Namun berlian itu telah dicuri orang saat dia pergi ke sebuah undangan.